
Road biking, dirt road riding on Frankenbike, tandem riding, group riding, time trialing, randonneuring - I love to ride, and I love to write. As I've traveled along on two wheels, I've learned one thing: Expect Adventure. Join me on the journey!

Betty Jean Jordan

Thursday, May 23, 2019


I usually don't even attempt to ride with the A group at Tuesday Worlds because I get dropped like a hot potato.  This week I knew it was going to be extra tough because some guys from Warner Robins came up.  It promised to be a testosterone-fest as the Macon guys and Warner Robins guys tried to show each other who was boss.  Robert confirmed my prediction as he described the A group ride on our drive home.  He likened it to one of my favorite math jokes.  Here's the math joke:
An engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician are trying to set up a fenced-in area for some sheep, but they have a limited amount of building material.  The engineer gets up first and makes a square fence with the material, reasoning that it's a pretty good working solution.
"No no," says the physicist, "there's a better way."  He takes the fence and makes a circular pen, showing how it encompasses the maximum possible space with the given material.
Then the mathematician speaks up: "No, no, there's an even better way."  To the others' amusement he proceeds to construct a little tiny fence around himself, then declares:
"I define myself to be on the outside."

Robert said, "I define myself as the peloton, and 17 guys just made a break."

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