
Road biking, dirt road riding on Frankenbike, tandem riding, group riding, time trialing, randonneuring - I love to ride, and I love to write. As I've traveled along on two wheels, I've learned one thing: Expect Adventure. Join me on the journey!

Betty Jean Jordan

Friday, September 18, 2015

I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends

Because of our schedules, Robert and I did Thursday Worlds last night instead of our usual Tuesday Worlds earlier this week.  As of yesterday, Worlds moved back from 6:00 to 5:30 P.M. due to the shorter days.  I quickly changed into my kit and walked out of my office right at 5:00.  When I got to my car, I realized that I had forgotten my cycling shoes!

My mind raced.  My first instinct was to go home and ride from there, even though I wouldn’t have much daylight by the time I got there.  I called Robert, who had been uncertain whether he would be able to get away from work in time for the 5:30 start.  I expected him to say that he wasn’t coming, which would have made me feel a little better about missing Worlds.  However, he was already at Mt. Zion (Worlds starting location).  Gaaa!  Obviously, it was too late to have him bring my shoes to me.  Maybe someone had a spare pair of shoes I could borrow.  He started asking everyone in the parking lot.  No dice.

When I arrived at Mt. Zion, I got the idea to call our friend Chad Madan, who lives only a few miles from there.  He was out of town, but he still was able to help.  He called his wife and coordinated with her to have his cycling shoes ready for me to pick up.  I drove to their house as quickly as possible.  I had forgotten to ask Chad on the phone what type of clips he has.  I figured he probably had Look Keo pedals, the most common type among road cyclists, but there was a chance he used SPD.  When I picked up his shoes, I was relieved to see that they had clips that would work with my Look Keo pedals.

I only had a few minutes to get back to Mt. Zion before the 5:30 ride start.  One thing I really appreciate about our group rides is that they start on time.  I had left my bicycle at Robert’s car instead of taking the time to put it back inside my car.  (I have to take off the front wheel to fit everything in my hatchback.)  I figured that I would have to pick up my bicycle, drive out to the fire station about 10 miles from the start, and ride backwards on the course until I met up with the group – not optimal, but the best I could do under the circumstances.  I got back to the parking lot at 5:32.  The group was still there!

I guess that because not everyone had gotten the word about the earlier start, the group was waiting for a few stragglers.  Within moments, I parked; put on my helmet, gloves, and Chad’s shoes; and was ready to ride.  I wasn’t even the last one!  I was so grateful for the group’s patience.  We pulled out about 5:35.

Chad’s shoes worked just fine, and they didn’t even look too clownish despite being a size or two too large for me.  I had brought my regular cycling socks, but I also had some thick socks that I had been wearing all day with my work boots.  I just happened to be doing field work instead of desk work yesterday.  The thick socks made Chad’s shoes almost fit.  Besides, they allowed me to channel my inner John Cozart.  John, one of my cycling buddies, has a trademark of wearing his dress socks from work with his cycling shoes.  The argyles are the most stylin’.

Chad is one of the strongest cyclists in Middle Georgia.  His shoes must be magic because I was able to hang with the group until the end last night.  Thank you so much, Chad!

Life’s the same I’m moving in stereo
Life’s the same except for my shoes

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